Don’t let the company you put hard work into building collapse!
We hire temporary foreign workers for youAre you an employer?
Are you in the business of fast food, food services or retail? You are probably in the middle of a labour shortage and your vacant positions are one of over 400 000 in Canada.
It’s not surprising that you feel powerless and panic due to this situation
In June of 2019, statistics from the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) showed that there are 434 000 vacant jobs in Canada and 120 000 of those are uniquely in Quebec (double the amount there was two years ago).
A study by the Business development bank of Canada reveals that 40% of Canadian employers (all categories) have trouble recruiting and are 65% more susceptible to poor growth.
The Association Restauration Quebec (ARQ) states that, in Quebec, around 14 000 jobs in the catering business were vacant in 2018.
Multiple businesses have chosen to reduce their business hours or were forced to close their doors these last few months all due to a lack of staff.
Recrutement international Staff & Service Inc. offers a solution !
What’s going on?
The labour shortage
The labour
The current market of employment has undergone change. The rate of unemployment in Canada was 5.7% and in Quebec it was 4.9% in July 2019. The situation is quite different than that of 5 years ago when the unemployment rate of Quebec was around 7.9%.
Sadly, recent analyses indicate that the situation will be getting worse in the next few years. People aged 15 to 24 years old represent 43% of the labour in fast-food businesses, this number will drop by 9% by the year 2025.
The economic recovery that began in 2010 has resulted in the lowest unemployment rate in 40 years. Combined with our aging population, this situation has become critical.
Solutions for you
Offered services
Recruitment of temporary foreign employees working at a low salary, to help overcome the labour shortages.
We offer a turnkey solution for employers suffering from growing problem of labour shortages in the fast food, food service and retail sectors. Our solution is to recruit temporary low-wage workers.
We will help you to fill your vacant posts
- Cashiers
- Fast food cooks
- Other jobs at low salaries
- Kitchen staff
- Service aids
- Retail salesman
- Support staff
The Steps
Our offered services
- Analysis of your needs;
- Preparation of recruitment announcements in accordance with the requirements of the government (approved by a group of lawyers specialized in immigration);
- Rigorous selection of your future foreign workers;
- Signature of work contracts;
- Preparation of the application for LMIA and QAC (forms) reviewed by a firm of lawyers specialized in immigration;
- Follow-up with both levels of government for processing applications;
- Assistance with the foreign workers;
- Planning for the foreign workers arrival;
- Personalized support for the employers;
- Advice on how to welcome and integrate your new foreign workers.
The Steps
Our offered services
- Analysis of your needs;
- Preparation of recruitment announcements in accordance with the requirements of the government (approved by a group of lawyers specialized in immigration);
- Rigorous selection of your future foreign workers;
- Signature of work contracts;
- Preparation of the application for LMIA and QAC (forms) reviewed by a firm of lawyers specialized in immigration;
- Follow-up with both levels of government for processing applications;
- Assistance with the foreign workers;
- Planning for the foreign workers arrival;
- Personalized support for the employers;
- Advice on how to welcome and integrate your new foreign workers.
We can find the most motivated candidates for your needs and criteria from Mexico and Morocco
More and more employers turn to international recruitment to fill their lack of personnel. This program allows us to hire full time workers (30+ hours a week) for a maximum period of 12 months (renewable) to fill the empty jobs where the salary is inferior to the median of the province (or territory). In 2018 in Quebec, the median salary was 21.75$/hour.
We can help you
About us
Genevieve Brault Faust
Graduate of the University of Quebec in Montreal in human resources management and working in staffing since 2003.
Geneviève worked for several years for financial institutions as well as for the Quebec Health and Social Services before joining Nathalie on the catering side. She has actively participated in several recruitment files.She is familiar with the government mechanism and the scale of the process. She will be able to ensure that all the steps of your application comply with all government standards.
450 252-2233
Nathalie Beauregard
Formed at ITHQ, owner of several franchises in the fast food field for 25 years.
Nathalie used her ingenuity to get around the labour shortage and avoided being forced to close the doors of her restaurants. She opted for the low-wage temporary foreign worker program from the Philippines and Mexico for four years in a row and benefited from the arrival of 27 temporary foreign workers. The experience was so positive that she now wants to share her satisfaction and put her experience to the benefit of other employers by supporting them throughout this process.
450 779-1405